L Type Single Girder Gantry Crane

L Type Single Girder Gantry Crane 5.0Excellent

L type single girder gantry crane with hook is applied for handling and convey operation outdoors, or at warehouse, stock ground, railway station, sea port cargo area, etc.

  • Lifting Capacity: 5-50t*
  • Span: 18-35m*
  • Lifting height: 12m*
  • Work level: A5*
  • Products type: Single Girder Gantry Crane*


How do think of this machine?

L type single girder gantry crane with hook is applied for handling and convey operation outdoors, or at warehouse, stock ground, railway station, sea port cargo area, etc.

Technical Specifications

Lifting heightm10/11
Lifting speedm/min9.2
Trolley travelling speedm/min36.6
Crane travelling speedm/min46.2540.1
Max. Wheel loadKN160166185213233
Rail recommendedModel43kg/m
Total motor powerkw27.836.8
Main dimension (mm)Span(m)1822263035
Rail top to crane topH1259013590
Rail top to hook centerH41011
Crane base distanceW65007000
Crane widthB80008650
Trolley rail distanceK89999911491249
Hook left limitationS167008700
Hook right limitationS270009400
Lifting heightm10/11
Lifting speedm/min8.5
Trolley travelling speedm/min39.7
Crane travelling speedm/min39.640.1
Max. Wheel loadKN177182189215222
Rail recommendedModel43kg/m
Total motor powerkw3847
Main dimension (mm)Span(m)1822263035
Rail top to crane topH1360014600
Rail top to hook centerH41011
Crane base distanceW87309230
Crane widthB70007500
Trolley rail distanceK105011501350
Hook left limitationS170009000
Hook right limitationS270009300
Lifting heightm10/11
Lifting speedm/min7.9/11.2
Trolley travelling speedm/min39.5
Crane travelling speedm/min40.147.1
Max. Wheel loadKN298306307370383
Rail recommendedModel43kg/m
Total motor powerkw64.675.6
Main dimension (mm)Span(m)1822263035
Rail top to crane topH1385014850
Rail top to hook centerH41011
Crane base distanceW700075007500
Crane widthB875092509500
Trolley rail distanceK1150125013501450
Hook left limitationS172009200
Hook right limitationS2780010500
Lifting heightm10/11
Lifting speedm/min7.1/9.2
Trolley travelling speedm/min39.3
Crane travelling speedm/min40.147.1
Max. Wheel loadKN340346362419432
Rail recommendedModel43kg/m
Total motor powerkw67.378.3
Main dimension (mm)Span(m)1822263035
Rail top to crane topH1386014860
Rail top to hook centerH41011
Crane base distanceW75008000
Crane widthB925010000
Trolley rail distanceK125013501550
Hook left limitationS172009200
Hook right limitationS2790010400
Lifting heightm10.85/11.85
Lifting speedm/min6.3/9.2
Trolley travelling speedm/min38.6
Crane travelling speedm/min48.238.6
Max. Wheel loadKN457470250265285
Rail recommendedModelQU80
Total motor powerkw85.593.5
Main dimension (mm)Span(m)1822263035
Rail top to crane topH143801438015180
Rail top to hook centerH41011
Crane base distanceW80008500
Crane widthB1000611452
Hook left limitationS1800010000
Hook right limitationS2800010000
Lifting heightm10/12
Lifting speedm/min5.9/8.5
Trolley travelling speedm/min38.5
Crane travelling speedm/min39.7
Max. Wheel loadKN350355359363378
Rail recommendedModelQU80
Total motor powerkw141
Main dimension (mm)Span(m)1822263035
Rail top to crane topH1475016750
Rail top to hook centerH41012
Crane base distanceW85009000
Crane widthB1206012560
Hook left limitationS1800010000
Hook right limitationS2800010000

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